Letter from a foreign person

Dear stranger,
If you hold this letter in your hands, I am probably already dead. I am guarding a book that should never go public. It contains answers to the most important secrets of our time, including the meaning of praying, the sequel of The Myth and the reason for the strange appearance of sheep and chickens in the most impossible places. In the wrong hands, these truths could cause big disasters and threaten peace in our beloved country. I do not have much time to live anymore and therefore I have to make sure that these secrets are kept safe in the future. I can not trust everyone, I have to be sure that my successor is trustworthy, unbribable, strong enough to face even the biggest challenges and as wise as he knows the Wild West like the back of his hand. If you have managed to open this chest, that is a pretty good sign. But it is not enough. In this chest, you will find everything you need in your further way. At the end of it, you will find the book of secrets whose new guardian you will become.
Your journey will not be easy. If you reach a point where you don't know how to continue, speak to Manitu.
Take care of yourself. Good luck.
I. G.
Keeper of the Chronicles of The West

Id: 51017000

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Game event: The West turns 10! 2018

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