Giganții oceanelor - Nivel 105

Barmanul Henry Walker Barmanul Henry Walker
Găsește-l pe Edward D. Cope (ID: 109)
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Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Confruntarea (Salvează saloon-ul, partea 2) (ID:544)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00


Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope


Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Edward D. Cope (ID: 116)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Găsește-l pe Edward D. Cope (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:109)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope



Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Spionând (ID: 117)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Edward D. Cope (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:116)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Scoate pietre preţioase 3 hours


Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Pradă, pradă, pradă (ID: 118)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Spionând (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:117)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Jefuieşte un tren 2 hours



Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Obiceiuri vechi (ID: 119)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Pradă, pradă, pradă (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:118)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Contrabandă (10/10)



Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Zvonuri (ID: 124)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Obiceiuri vechi (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:119)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Construiește un lazaret 8 hours


Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Doctorul militar (ID: 125)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Zvonuri (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:124)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Explorare 2 hours


Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Folosește-ți îndemânările (ID: 126)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Doctorul militar (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:125)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope


Edward D. Cope Edward D. Cope
Un ultim obstacol (ID: 127)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivel: 105

Solve quest: Folosește-ți îndemânările (Giganții oceanelor) (ID:126)

Date: from 14. Oct 2021, 00:00:00 to 15. Nov 2021, 00:00:00

Show Employer Place: Edward D. Cope

Muncă: Tipărire ziar 'The Western Star' 5 hours