Life of a Retiree - Nivo 126

Waupee Waupee
Aftermath (ID: 2459)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Showdown (Save the saloon, part 2) (ID:544)

Slept: 1/1


Waupee Waupee
Early in the morning (ID: 2460)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Aftermath (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2459)


Server time: 06:00 - 10:00


Waupee Waupee
Reading the news (ID: 2461)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Early in the morning (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2460)



Waupee Waupee
Packing for vacation (ID: 2462)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Reading the news (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2461)



Waupee Waupee
Saving up for a vacation (ID: 2463)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Packing for vacation (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2462)


Job: Rob a bank 3 hours



Waupee Waupee
No vacation after all (ID: 2464)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Saving up for a vacation (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2463)



Waupee Waupee
Blending in with the crowd (ID: 2465)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: No vacation after all (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2464)


Job: Work as a Preacher (8/8)


Waupee Waupee
Vacation from the vacation (ID: 2466)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Nivo: 126

Solve quest: Blending in with the crowd (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2465)


Accept quest: Vacation from the vacation (Life of a Retiree) (ID:2466)