Kiste - G. Cortez's chest

Contains all items from the following sets: G. Cortez's clothing set, G. Cortez's weapon's set and G. Cortez's horse and saddle.

Antall åpnende kister.: 6544
Antall funnet items.: 71949
G. Cortez's hat99.97%
G. Cortez's saddle99.95%
G. Cortez's horse99.95%
G. Cortez's boots99.95%
G. Cortez's pants99.95%
G. Cortez's suspenders99.95%
G. Cortez's shirt99.95%
G. Cortez's jorongo99.95%
G. Cortez's sword99.94%
G. Cortez's flintlock99.94%
G. Cortez's rifle99.94%