Bloqueado - Level 85

Maya Roalstad Maya Roalstad
Lost (ID: 3090)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: Visiting the art collector (Roubo de arte) (ID:223)

Solve quest: Taking (O saque) (ID:239)


Solve quest: Notifying (O saque) (ID:240)

Owned item

Job: Conduzir o barco a vapor 8 hours

Job: Perseguir bandidos 6 hours

Job: Proteger a diligência 8 hours

Job: Roubo 6 hours


Barkeeper Henry Walker Barkeeper Henry Walker
False decision? (ID: 3091)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: Lost (Bloqueado) (ID:3090)


Show Employer Place: Ghost town

Ghost town Ghost town
Organization matters! (ID: 3092)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: False decision? (Bloqueado) (ID:3091)

Show Employer Place: Ghost town


Barkeeper Henry Walker Barkeeper Henry Walker
A beer and a whiskey (ID: 3093)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: Organization matters! (Bloqueado) (ID:3092)


Job: Alimentar o gado! 10 minutes

Waupee Waupee
Only half the story (ID: 3094)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: A beer and a whiskey (Bloqueado) (ID:3093)


Job: Exploração 8 hours

Job: Ladrão de sepulturas 2 hours

Job: Emboscar diligência 6 hours

Job: Assaltar um comboio 8 hours

Job: Guarda prisional 6 hours

Job: Proteger a diligência 10 hours

Job: Roubo 6 hours

Job: Perseguir bandidos 4 hours

Job: Transportar prisioneiros 6 hours

Job: Caçador de prémios 6 hours



Sheriff John Fitzburn Sheriff John Fitzburn
Here it is (ID: 3095)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 85

Solve quest: Only half the story (Bloqueado) (ID:3094)


Job: Trabalhar como vendedor ambulante (100/100)

Items sold to strangers at market: 2/2
