A história de Nizhoni e Winston - Level 155

Waupee Waupee
Indians in distress (ID: 4170)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)


Show Employer Place: Waupee's Indian village


Waupee's Indian village Waupee's Indian village
Unwanted Intruders (ID: 4171)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Indians in distress (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4170)

Show Employer Place: Waupee's Indian village

Job: Colocar armadilhas (5/5)

Job: Desencurvamento do rio (10/10)

Job: Trabalhar como caçador (2/2)



Waupee's Indian village Waupee's Indian village
Getting them to leave (ID: 4172)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Unwanted Intruders (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4171)

Show Employer Place: Waupee's Indian village

Server time: 16:00 - 23:59

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Roubar cavalos 5 hours

Job: Roubar stocks de alimentos (20/20)




Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
A missing hunter (ID: 4173)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Getting them to leave (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4172)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Caçar coelhos (15/15)

Job: Caçar antílopes 1 hour

Job: Apanhar cenouras (15/15)



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
Ambush! (ID: 4174)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: A missing hunter (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4173)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Acabar com quadrilhas 4 hours



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
Flowers for a Lady (ID: 4175)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Ambush! (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4174)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Apanhar ervas (30/30)



Waupee's Indian village Waupee's Indian village
An awkward meeting (ID: 4176)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Flowers for a Lady (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4175)

Show Employer Place: Waupee's Indian village

Job: Trabalhar como juiz 1 hour

Job: Trabalhar como historiador 1 hour

Job: Negociações de paz 1 hour



Waupee's Indian village Waupee's Indian village
A parting gift (ID: 4177)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: An awkward meeting (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4176)

Show Employer Place: Waupee's Indian village

Job: Caçar antílopes 30 minutes

Job: Trabalhe como comerciante de peles 2 hours



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
Enemies on the move (ID: 4178)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: A parting gift (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4177)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Lose duel against: The brunette



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
Battle preparations (ID: 4179)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Enemies on the move (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4178)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Trabalhar como armeiro (25/25)

Job: Fazer balas 1 hour



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
Attack at midnight (ID: 4180)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Battle preparations (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4179)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Fort battle completed: 1/1



Bandit Hideout Bandit Hideout
A Loss Unlooked-for (ID: 4181)
Access Accept Finish Reward

Level: 155

Solve quest: Showdown (Salvar a taberna, parte 2) (ID:544)

Solve quest: Attack at midnight (A história de Nizhoni e Winston) (ID:4180)

Show Employer Place: Bandit Hideout

Job: Trabalhar como médico legista 20 minutes